One time grant of $25,000 to the Kayapo (via IFCF) for the August strategy gathering. This funding enables protection of the last surviving large block of forest in the southeastern Amazon -and worlds largest single tract of tropical forest.
- The grant proposal suggests a budget of R$104,080.00 which would be US$18,448. We will discuss this delta of US$6500 ‘in the favour’ of the Kayapo and whether we should earmark it for future work together, or enhancing the gathering in any way. From previous experience, I’ve preferred having some buffer (exchange rates, contingencies, etc) to help grants be successful as I know costs can unexpectedly ramp up especially in these geographies.
Confirmation email
Update October 3rd ‘24 post workshop
Barbara responses QS
Daniela response on facilitators
Daniela’s detailed response July 31st ‘24
30th July ‘24
send me attendee list